Live Earthquakes Map
A map of fault lines and all earthquakes from around the world in order to reveal the relationship between earthquakes and fault lines. The data includes earthquakes that occured within the past 30 days, and is updated every 15 minutes. Created with Javascript, D3, Leaflet, and GeoJSON.
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Equatorial Latitude
A visualized analysis of the weather of 500+ random cities from all over the world. The purpose of the analysis is to test the increasing temperatures near the equator. Built with Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Python Requests, and the OpenWeatherMap API.
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Market Analytics Dashboard
A dashboard containing operational metrics and visualizations for an on-demand delivery platform in their newest market, New York City. Python was used to transform data from a CSV file in a Jupyter notebook. The data was then loaded to Google Sheets using the Google API where it would be used as the data source for the dashboard. Built with Python, Tableau, Google API, Google Sheets.
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Sales Market Analysis
A market analysis of staffing and facilities data in the healthcare industry accessed via a JSON endpoint from the CMS API. The purpose of the analysis is to reveal sales insights for a mobile app platform that offers on-demand staffing services to healthcare facilities in the US, and to help inform the company's sales strategy. Built with the CMS API, SQL, Python, and Hex.
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Revenue Maximizing Product Mix
An analysis of an equipment rental company's rental and asset data. The goal of the analysis is to find the optimal product mix that results in the highest revenue in each market. Created with Python, Pandas, SQL, and Hex.
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A Twitter bot that receives tweets via mentions and in turn tweets out a visualized sentiment analysis of the most recent tweets from the Twitter account specified in the mention. The bot scans its account every five minutes for mentions and pulls 500 of the most recent tweets to analyze for each incoming request. Built with Python, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, JSON, and the Twitter API.
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Education and Poverty
A responsive visual analysis of the correlation between education and poverty in the United States. Built with Javascript, D3, and Bootstrap.
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Inspired by minimalism. Created using HTML, CSS, Javascript. Built with the Bootstrap framework. Hosted on GitHub.
